no protocols in nullclient (MSVC)

David Byron dbyron at
Fri May 25 19:51:06 EDT 2007

Sorry to reply to myself.  I just learned something.

On Friday, May 25, 2007 @ 4:25p, David Byron wrote:

> Do other people need to change defines.h to get protocols
> to appear?

I'm still curious about this part.

> I entered my yahoo ID in and got some output I didn't
> expect but I have some more homework to do to figure out
> what's supposed to be happening here.

When I get the password correct, yahoo responds with my buddy list and all
kinds of other good info so I'm well down the road to success...

As an aside, I was hard coding the password in nullclient.c since MSVC
doesn't have getpass.  If there's interest in making nullclient.c work out
of the box with MSVC, I'll submit a patch.



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