Convert Trillian Logs readable for Pidgin

Richard Laager rlaager at
Tue Oct 9 14:14:34 EDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 10:26 +0200, Bernhard Walzl wrote:
> I want to replace Trillian with Pidgin. I have about 30MB of logs from 
> Trillian (But I figured out that there is something twice because there 
> is evrytime one XML and one in txt-Format)...
> I need now a converter to convert this Trillian-Logs into Pidgin-Logs.

Turn on the Log Reader plugin. If it doesn't automatically find your
logs, configure it with the path to your logs (and let me know, so I can
try to improve the automatic detection).

This plugin reads the Trillian logs in their original format, rather
than converting them. So do NOT delete your Trillian logs thinking we
have a copy, as we don't and they'll be lost forever.

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