Change the Green Online Icon to an Icon reflecting the IM Protocol?

Phil Hannent phil at
Thu Oct 11 04:24:34 EDT 2007

Kevin Stange wrote:
> Really nice.  You apologize for being blunt, then go tear into the
> software again, calling it stupid a dozen more times.  Stop using our
> software.  You're behaving like a child and it is not welcome here.
> And yes, I am colorbind.  So is Sean Egan.  We appreciate that you don't
> care about us.
> Go away.
> Love,
Outstanding, it has been like watching a mini soap opera this morning.  Somebody 
with clear anger management issues had brightened my day.

To all the Pidgin developers I tip my hat, you have not sunk to the level of 
name calling in any of the threads I have read.  You have put up with so much 
verbal abuse because of a green dot!

Well done.

Phil Hannent
(One of the previously silent happy majority)

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