Change the Green Online Icon to an Icon reflecting the IM Protocol?

Kevin Stange kstange at
Thu Oct 11 03:36:41 EDT 2007

Charliep wrote:
> Kevin:
> Sorry for my blunt assessment of your software. The present implementation
> of the green / red / clock icons is STUPID. Because of this I will not be
> using your software - UNLESS you fix this. Many of your other users
> suggested that I should NOT use Pidgin if I don't like it! Thanks, I will
> take your advice.

Really nice.  You apologize for being blunt, then go tear into the
software again, calling it stupid a dozen more times.  Stop using our
software.  You're behaving like a child and it is not welcome here.

And yes, I am colorbind.  So is Sean Egan.  We appreciate that you don't
care about us.

Go away.



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