Pidgin dns query issues (xmpp)

Lantern michaelford85 at
Mon Oct 15 15:22:57 EDT 2007

Ethan Blanton-3 wrote:
> (Who put us on nabble?  Why is it so crappy?)
> Lantern spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> Ethan Blanton-3 wrote:
>> > Lantern spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> >> dns server (BIND9), mysql database, pidgin client
>> >> pidgin client, openfire jabber server
>> >> pidgin client
>> >> 
>> >> On 34, I've set "" to resolve to, and I've set
>> >> the dns server on all three boxes to be 34 as well. Pinging
>> >> "" returns 34 on each box, and a small c program I've
>> >> written resolves to be 34 via the getaddrinfo function.
>> >> However, I am having the following issue with pidgin:
>> > 
>> >>Is your description here correct?  You claim that .34 is,
>> >>but that the openfire server is running on .35, and that XMPP
>> >>connections to correctly locate the openfire server.  Are
>> >>you using SRV records?
>> I'm not using SRV records right now; I'm simply using A records.
>> does indeed resolve to .34. The openfire server runs on
>> .35, which remotely connects to the database on .34 (yeah, I know,
>> really efficient :P). I'm trying to figure out whether my issue lies
>> within pidgin or openfire.
>>So ... Openfire is running on .35, and you're telling Pidgin to
>>connect to openfire on .34, and it is not working?  Why did you think
>>this would work?  Is there more to this story?  I'm still confused.
>>Pidgin doesn't care where the openfire database is, it cares where the
>>openfire XMPP server is.  I don't know why registration is working, if
>>indeed it is.
> Sorry, I confused myself. The server is running on .34, and the remote
> database is on .35. I read my previous post and realized how silly that
> setup sounded.
> -- 
> The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
> for evils].  They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
> determined to commit crimes.
> 		-- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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