Data Structure to modify

Luke Schierer lschiere at
Mon Oct 15 17:33:53 EDT 2007

I am moving this to devel, where I think it is more relevent.

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 02:15:42PM -0700, M Ellerhorst wrote:
> I'm a student and I have to pick a project to test different data structures
> in an open source project and present our findings to my "Data Structures"
> class.  I picked Pidgin because it is an awesome project and I have used it
> for a little while now, but digging into the code has left me a bit
> overwhelmed.  As developers, I was wondering if you knew of a more isolated
> data structure that I could change and observe a tangible difference in
> operation without having to change a substantial amount of code?  Thanks for
> your help.
> -- 

I'm not sure we are a great choice for this, as we have few data
structures that lend themselves to tampering.  The only ones that come
to my mind are the buddy list and lists of conversations, neither of
which would be easy to modify wihtout ill effects.


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