A few comments

Ethan Blanton elb at pidgin.im
Tue Oct 16 22:02:15 EDT 2007

Michael spake unto us the following wisdom:
> I'm not sure I understand the problem with making your own source code
> just for your own plugin available for anyone to look at...  It seems to
> be that that would just be free speech.  "I have this following text
> file that says some stuff.  If you have some other text files from
> places x and y, and you agree to terms z, you might be able to do
> something with them.  But you can look at them as much as you want with
> no restrictions"

You can look at it as much as you want -- you just cannot compile it
and link it with Pidgin.

> Because the plugin doesn't modify the source of pidgin, and you are not
> distributing it compiled, I'm not sure I understand how it can even be
> considered a "derivative work."  You just happen to reference some file
> names/functions (but only the names of them, not what they do or how
> they work) that could only be available if someone had already installed
> Pidgin.  All the logic/text of the text file you are distributing was
> created by you and you alone, and since you do not distribute it
> compiled, you are not including any of other peoples' work in your
> file..  Maybe I'm missing something, but I honestly don't understand how
> this violates the GPL legally or even the intent of the GPL. :/

See the discussions about Linux and kernel drivers which are not GPL;
see also the text of the GPL itself.  :-P  The plugin *cannot
function* without Pidgin.  It also includes Pidgin source (headers) at
compilation time, although this is not necessary to the argument.

> Perhaps if you could give me a situation where this would hurt someone..
>  From this example with Skype, it seems pretty simple to me that if
> someone does not agree with Skype's license, they would never bother
> trying to use the plugin..

It's not about hurting someone, it's about complying with the terms of
the license under which Pidgin is distributed.


The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
for evils].  They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes.
		-- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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