Open Buddy list via single clicking the tray icon?

Ka-Hing Cheung khc at
Tue Oct 23 03:36:27 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 23:09 -0700, Neillithan wrote:
> "whining" or anything of the sort.  It's not my job to search every obscure
> bug tracker, forum, search engine for the perfect wording of the question I

*looks at his job title*

Nope, doesn't say anything about pidgin.

*looks at the job titles of everyone else who responded*

Nope, don't see pidgin anywhere either!

> need to ask.  If you don't like it, then "you" need to stop whining.

I think what I need is a way to unsubscribe rude people from this
mailing list.

> like yourself have such unattractive elitist attitudes.  I'm sick and
> tired
> of getting pounded by people who claim they are doing a good deed, but
> can't
> stand a bit of feedback, especially when it has to be repeated and
> reworded
> by an innocent who's just trying to get some answers.

Then please go away, thank you very much.


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