buddy-signed-off signal

Andreas Monitzer pidgin at monitzer.com
Wed Sep 19 06:34:18 EDT 2007

On Sep 19, 2007, at 12:20, Florin Diaconeasa wrote:

> The problem is this: if i have a buddy in the lists which signes  
> off, i don't get the message in the console, the only way to get  
> this is if the buddy sends me an IM. So i get the "Buddy has signed  
> off. BuddyName: bla bla bla bla". These are the 2 strings  
> concatenated after the buddy sends me the message "bla bla bla bla".

Maybe you forgot the \n on the sign off-message and your i/o-lib  
doesn't flush the output?


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