libpurple + dbus - pidgin
Kamanashis Roy Shuva
kamanashisroy at
Tue Apr 15 05:33:44 EDT 2008
Hi, I am not sure why you are not using J2ME clients .. I am not sure
how you like to use libpurple in mobiles ..
You can try bombus or miniim ;) ..
2008/4/15 Anil Gupta <800pbx2 at>:
> Thanks for your response.
> Please find my follow-up questions interspersed.
> >
> > > b) Can I use dbus with only libpurple without pidgin ui? I used
> > > --disable-gtkui to skip pidgin as I was interested only in
> > > libpurple. But I wasnt sure how pidgin can be used for events
> > > generation. The howto explains that pidgin when loading uses the
> > > dbus address to listen and send events.
> >
> > Yes, you should be able to use dbus with only libpurple without pidgin ui.
> I
> > know you can access a lot of libpurple's functionality using dbus, but I
> have
> > doubts that you'll be able to access everything.
> ## I think you are right on to write a seperate main which exposes
> libpurple's functionality through dbus. I am looking into it.
> >
> >
> > It might help to think of libpurple as the core of an instant messaging
> > program rather than as a library with functions that you call. The
> programs
> > "main" method is a part of the ui (either Pidgin or Finch), but libpurple
> is
> > responsible for saving your preferences and accounts and what not. It is
> not
> > possible to use libpurple standalone because there is no "main" method in
> > libpurple.
> >
> > So you would need to at least write a "ui" to bootstrap the libpurple
> process.
> > See libpurple/example/nullclient.c for a very basic example.
> ## I looked at nullclient.c but it does not have anything to do with dbus.
> Does dbus initialization happen inside libpurple somewhere or does it happen
> in the ui clients?
> > But using Java
> > and dbus to write the user interface code for libpurple seems awkward to
> me.
> > Why not just use C?
> ## We do not have UI. UI is all client based on mobile phones. We support
> palm, bb, brew, nokia, java, ppc, windows ce etc. but some omf the
> libpurple components would be used.
> >
> >
> >
> > > c) How scalable in pidgin? We have over 15k users who would like to get
> > > connected. We do not mind scaling by adding boxes but does pidgin
> support
> > > scaling vertically? Any tips on this would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > d) I hear that pidgin is a single thread approach for the main. What
> > > happens if the thread dies? Is there a recovery mechanism? Any
> > > scripts to restart pidgin to the previous state if it disconnects
> > > with be handy.
> >
> > Hmm, why would the thread die? That seems akin to a single-threaded
> process
> > crashing (ie something that should not happen). No, there is no recovery
> > mechanism short of restarting Pidgin and reconnecting. Pidgin should
> connect
> > automatically when you start it, and accounts should return to their
> previous
> > state (assuming Pidgin is able to write the previous state to
> $HOME/.purple/*.xml)
> >
> >
> ## Does the libpurple store any account profile? I believe no.
> >
> >
> > > g) For load distrbution, I think I should be able to use multiple
> instances
> > > of pidgin tied to different dbus addresses and let the main server
> manage
> > > the distribution of connection to various pidgin instances. Can multiple
> > > instances of pidgin run on the same box? Is the approach correct?
> >
> > That sounds like it would work. Yes, multiple instances of Pidgin can run
> on
> > the same box. That approach seems reasonable to me.
> ## I will be trying it out in the next two weeks and keep you updated. BTW,
> is there any job forum where we can hire a developer to do this for us as we
> are totally new with dbus and libpurple both. Though its a week work, we
> would like someone knowledgeable to do the things right the first time
> rather than keep trying for the correct solution.
> Meanwhile, please answer the follow-up questions raised.
> Thank you very much.
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-- Thanks
Kamanashis Roy
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