Enable/disable logging on a contact-by-contact basis?

Sadrul Habib Chowdhury imadil at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 15:44:14 EST 2008

* Richard Laager had this to say on [02 Jan 2008, 14:22:27 -0600]:
> On Tue, 2008-01-01 at 09:54 +1100, Evgeny Potashnik wrote:
> > I'm a new user of Pidgin and I've got a newbie question. I would like
> > to enable logging by default, but some people object to being logged,
> > so I want to disable logging for a few specific contacts. I know that
> > I can uncheck Options, Enable Logging in a chat window, but Pidgin
> > "forgets" that the next time I open a chat with the same contact. Is
> > there any way to store this setting permanently? 
> I wouldn't be opposed to a patch that saves this setting on the contact
> level.

For anyone interested in implementing it: look at how pidgin remembers
'Options -> Enable Sounds' setting.

> I would really like it to show a message in the window when the
> conversation is opened if the setting differs from the default. In other
> words, something like, "This conversation is [not] being logged."

Perhaps we can also/instead have some icon (with appropriate tooltips)
in the menu tray. I think it will also be pretty cool if someone could
figure out a way to add such semi-random emblems in the infopane.


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