Finch tiling window manager

Mark Schneider queueram at
Thu Jul 31 00:03:01 EDT 2008

I have been sitting on this for too long.  I wanted to get my proposal
out to the list before i started implementing some of the
functionality, but i cheated a little and started working with the
code a bit to see what was possible.  I am attaching my full proposal,
including the analysis of X tiling window managers, my detailed
proposal, and a few examples.

Breifly, the idea is as follows:  Allow user to split screen into
frames, where each frame can show one window.  Each frame can be split
into subframes.  Windows will default to maximized within their frame.
 Within a frame, the user can scroll between the non-visible windows.

I would appreciate any feedback on this, whether it is in support of
my proposal or ideas to improve upon it (or even just plain shutting
it down).

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