Volunteer for video/audio chat on pidgin

Sascha Vogt sascha at vogt-neuenbuerg.de
Wed Jun 11 15:33:31 EDT 2008


Avinash wrote:
> I have been a gaim/pidgin user for around 7 years. I am interested in
> seeing pidgin support video and voice chat to the extent that I am
> willing to work on it. Part-time of course. I am employed full-time
> [...]
> Could you revert back to me on how I can help?
There is currently a Google Summer of Code project running on this
topic. For some information about that see [1] and the following answers
to that thread. There might be another one, so you may search a little
bit on the archives.

You might want to help Maiku on that, or better, ask him if he has
specific sub-tasks you can work on.

In general you could check out the monotone branch im.pidgin.soc.2008.vv
and play around with it. Also check Maikus Wiki page on [2]



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