About ProgressReport and msn-pecan

Luke Schierer lschiere at pidgin.im
Fri Jun 13 18:45:07 EDT 2008

Richard Laager wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 06:07 -0500, Kevin Stange wrote:
>> Monotone is a relatively new VCS, but it seems to work pretty well as 
>> far as I've used it.  In our search, we (Ethan primarily) looked at many 
>> and guided us toward the one he found most promise with.
> Also, at the time we chose Monotone, git was not as nice (assuming that
> what I hear about it being good now is true) or popular as it is now.
> Perhaps we should consider switching to a different DVCS, but that
> involves a lot of work so there has to be some real value.
> Richard
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One of the main reasons for choosing monotone over git was the size of 
the resulting repository that each of us would have to clone.  I do not 
know if git has addressed that since then, but our entire repository, in 
git form, was VERY large back when we were evaluating this.


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