feature request

Etan Reisner pidgin at unreliablesource.net
Fri Mar 7 15:14:24 EST 2008

On Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 11:25:29AM -0800, Marcus Hecht wrote:
> Hello, in response to the latest news item I am going to attempt to
> request a feature change and explain why.
> I miss the old animated keyboard icon in the upper right hand corner
> denoting that someone is currently typing. The new "in window" system is
> fine, but the icon in the upper right was much easier to see instead of
> having it pop in and out of the message window amidst all the messages.
> What would be really great, would be to put the typing icon on the
> conversation tab. That way when you have multiple conversations going -
> you can quickly and easily see who is currently typing and be able to
> flip to the appropriate incoming message.
> -Marcus

The tabs already change colors to indicate typing and "stopped typing" is
that not enough of a notification? Would adding an animated icon in each
tab really be better than that?

For the record a plugin could probably both bring back the old menutray
icon and do this tab idea.


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