after update to 2.4 I can't connect to jabber server

Sadrul Habib Chowdhury imadil at
Tue Mar 11 04:41:18 EDT 2008

* Valent Turkovic had this to say on [11 Mar 2008, 09:18:27 +0100]:
> Hi,
> I looked around your FAQ and found only this:
> but I find this info outdated and wrong, why? Because I get error "Not
> Authorized" when connecting but AFAIK this has to do with
> authentication and ssl certificates and not white list, I of course
> could be wrong. And pidgin 2.4 doesn't have "Hide client identity"  as
> far as I can see in account preferences.

The cited link answers a question regarding the sametime protocol, not
xmpp ('The Sametime server to which ...'). So none of it applies in
your case.


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