Pidgin MSI installer for deployment through Active Directory

Ryan Nix ryan.nix at
Fri May 2 21:13:02 EDT 2008

Hi All,

I run a small, Chicago based open source consultancy.  Just want to let 
everyone know that I've packaged up Pidgin along with Guifications and 
Pidgin Encryption in a simple MSI installer that can be used for 
deploying Pidgin through Active Directory, SMS, Tivoli, Filewave or 
whatever your company uses to deploy software.

This uses the standard MSI install options such as /quiet /norestart.

Pidgin is one of those great open source tools that will help make 
switching to a Linux desktop easier since it's cross-platform.  :)

Thanks to everyone for all of their contributions and hard work in 
making this such a great product. 


Ryan Nix
Prometheon, Inc

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