Sending files in Pidgin

Evan Schoenberg evands at
Sat May 3 10:31:33 EDT 2008

On May 3, 2008, at 9:55 AM, Stin wrote:

> PS: Your support site could do with better end-user support like a  
> searchable
> database that uses meta-data or just using better English for the  
> questions.
> (Do you use American English or real English??)

Brilliant.  If you suspect the answer is 'American English', do you  
think this endears you to anyone who might be able to actually help?

> Sorry if I seem angry, I just thought that an open source program  
> would be
> developed before being released.

I disagree with Sadrul's words (but not his sentiment) - it's not  
okay.  There's never an excuse for sending something requesting help  
(not to mention free help) that you know "seems angry."  For your  
information, it has been "developed before being released" – for  
nearly a decade now.

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