problem with pidgin

Jeff Sadowski jeff.sadowski at
Tue May 6 11:48:01 EDT 2008

I realized how broken my English was last night, let me clarify.
Although it sounds as
though some understood even with my crappy English. I would like
pidgin to be able
to save the state of the open windows like firefox has the capability
of doing.(with
certain plugins or when it crashes) I realize sometimes when I am
using pidgin and
closing it I may have a message popup at the exact same time I am
closing it. I do
not have time to read it at the time I am closing it. I would like it
to be there when I
reopen pidgin and have more time.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadowski at> wrote:
> All I know is when I am closing pidgin down sometimes I see a message
>  window. If it from a friend I don't have time to read it then I would
>  on a next restart of the program. I would like it like a save session
>  on firefox is.
>  On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:05 PM, William Ehlhardt
>  <williamehlhardt at> wrote:
>  > On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadowski at> wrote:
>  >  > The problem with that would be bots keeping you logged in when you are
>  >  >  trying to leave. I'd rather get the messages on next start.
>  >
>  >  I would expect it to ask you whether you want to exit if there are
>  >  pending messages, so you could choose to ignore all messages and close
>  >  anyways.
>  >

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