Porting libpurple to C#

Eoin Coffey ecoffey at gmail.com
Thu May 29 23:58:45 EDT 2008

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Priyank Chodisetti <priyankc at stanford.edu>

> Hi,
> I am trying to port libpurple to C#. In order to do that, I wrote a
> wrapper in visual C++.net and made a .net dll. Now, I am using that
> dll in C# code. But the problem is with receiving messages. The way I
> am handling message receiving is, I am making a tcp connection through
> sockets and writing the received message to the socket. In the C#
> backend code, I wrote a TCP Listener, which will receive these
> message. I know this is very in-efficient.
> I have couple of questions in this context.
> 1. Is this way of using libpurple through .net dll a good way? Is
> there some other way, through which I can use libpurple in C#?
> 2. Is there a better of receiving messages in C# when using libpurple
> through .net dll?
> Thank you for your time.
> Thanks,
> Priyank Chodisetti
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This is a very noble endeavor, but properly wrapping libpurple in C# is
decidedly a pain.

I was working on this as part of my SoC project, but real life happened and
I'm inherently lazy.  The best option that I think exists now is to finish
GObjectification (/bow to grim and sadrul) and use the same tools written by
the Mono folks to create the Gtk# bindings.

Just my $0.02.

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