Acer IMApp source

Daniel Atallah daniel.atallah at
Fri Oct 24 15:42:49 EDT 2008

2008/10/24 Mike Jones <eternalorb at>:
>     Yes, that is 100% possible. I think that there are already several MSN
> libpurple plugins that support this. As I said in my last message, i think
> that msn-pecan supports this, but i do not know first hand.
>     What you might want to do is disable your default MSN plugin, and
> instead use an MSN protocol plugin that has the features you want. If the
> features that it wants are voice and video support, that means that the
> features you want will ONLY work for msn, unless you have a seperate plugin
> for a different messaging protocol that supports the same set of features,
> in this case voice and video.

I think you're confused - there are no libpurple MSN plugins that
support voice and video.


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