
squeak at poczta.onet.pl squeak at poczta.onet.pl
Mon Sep 15 07:24:14 EDT 2008

i'am trying to use your libjabber. I wrote something like this ?

 PurplePlugin pp;
 jabber_init_plugin( &pp );jabber_handle_event
 PurpleAccount *pa;
 pa = purple_account_new( "Gizmo",0 );
 purple_account_set_username( pa, "ekolowa.1989 at jabber.org" );
 purple_account_set_password ( pa, "password" );
 PurpleConnection gc;
 purple_account_set_connection( pa, &gc );
 jabber_login( pa );

What should i do more ( to get event, subcribing and messages )

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