Using libpurple in QuteCom (but with assertion fails)

James Wald james.wald at
Wed Sep 3 10:30:50 EDT 2008

2008/9/3 Jan Kaláb <pitel at>:
> Ok, now the first fail is caused by function
> purple_account_get_status at account.c (to be more precise by the
> return statement).

I assume you applied the patch from #6904?  Try running Pidgin with
G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals in gdb.  This will allow you to get a
backtrace at the assert() failure:

G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals gdb pidgin

> What's the "presence" thing?

I believe that is just a flag which indicates whether or not purple
was found.  I have had those problems when I compiled Pidgin but did
not "make install" it.  That is actually how I discovered and fixed
the asserts in #6904.


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