[Adium-devl] libpurple: personal message != status message

Felipe Contreras felipe.contreras at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 15:18:40 EDT 2008

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Mark Doliner <mark at kingant.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 2:49 AM, Felipe Contreras
> <felipe.contreras at gmail.com> wrote:
>> a) MSN is arguably the most used protocol in the world, are you going
>> to not integrate features because they only apply to msn? [1]
>> [1] http://billionsconnected.com/blog/2008/08/global-im-market-share-im-usage/
> I don't think the data on that web site really supports that statement
> because it doesn't give any numbers.  For example, it's possible that
> the USA might have more IM users than Europe and Asia combined.

That's why I said arguably. There is a strong probability MSN is the
most used, if you have better information please show it.

But it's not the gist of my argument, as I said: it's not
MSN-specific. So it really makes no sense to don't seriously consider
something that many protocols use, specially if there's a chance it's
critical to the most used one.

Felipe Contreras

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