Multiple proxies for one protocol

Daniel Atallah daniel.atallah at
Fri Sep 12 08:17:42 EDT 2008

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:07 AM, Sascha Vogt <FunkyFish at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry for the strange subject, but I didn't know how to summarize it better.
> Recently we got a more restrictive firewall at work. Now port 443 and 80
> are blocked and can only be accessed via a proxy server.
> MSNs default port (1863) isn't blocked within the firewall, but I'm
> unable to get my account connected. If I try to connect to MSN, the
> debug window shows, after successfully establishing a connection to
>, that I'm redirected to ""
> for user authentication. Thats a problem, because that port is blocked.
> The original MSN client (as well as Miranda) use a direct connection for
> 1863 and use the IE proxy settings for 443.
> Using the HTTP method doesn't work (I think the proxy appliance has a
> problem with it, though the IT department did not block it intentionally).
> Has anyone here a solution for that? Or would it make sense to change
> Pidgins proxy handling? My idea is not to use proxies per account, but
> rather have a global proxy configuration based on ports. E.g port 1863
> -> socks-proxy x, port 5191 -> no proxy, port 80 -> http-proxy y

This is something that should be addressed, there is already an open
ticket for it:


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