yahoo's authentication method

John Bailey rekkanoryo at
Wed Apr 29 16:32:37 EDT 2009

Al Cohen wrote:
> Hi John,
> I heard a rumor that Yahoo is going to turn off the data center behind
> sometimes in summer. If this is true, then pidgin
> won't be able to connect to Yahoo.

We've been told the same thing.  I'm inclined to believe it, although I'm
surprised we haven't yet seen yahoo system messages at login about it.

> How hard is it to implement protocol 0x10 (16)?

The primary difference is just the login method, which has been reverse
engineered and documented.  It's significantly simpler than previous versions.
I have a patch provided to me by our voice and video SoC student from last year,
but I haven't yet applied it because I'm waiting for our Yahoo SoC student from
last year to sign off on it or commit the code he was already working on.  I was
actually going to e-mail him about it in a week or two.

> Another friend was telling me that Miranda has crack the new protocol
> already, but I didn't verify it yet. Is it possible for libpurple to
> leverage their works?

It's potentially possible that it could have been used as a reference, but it's
not really necessary to do so, as I explained above.


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