libpurple / buddy icons

Cedric Roche csced at
Wed Aug 19 09:55:03 EDT 2009

The same code doesn't work at all when using gtalk.

From: csced at
To: devel at
Subject: libpurple / buddy icons
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 16:21:03 +0200


I'm trying to retrieve the buddy icons. Here is how I do it :

PurpleBuddyIcon *icon = NULL;
if ((icon = purple_buddy_icons_find(buddy->account, buddy->name)))
     const void     *data;
     size_t         len;

     data = purple_buddy_icon_get_data(icon, &len);
     purple_util_write_data_to_file_absolute(path, (const char*) data, len);   // yes the path variable is changing

The problem is that I'm not getting all the icons. I do get some of them but not all of them.
Am I (again) missing something ?

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