Which signal is triggered for the "Recv (ssl)" messages in the Debug Window ??

Etan Reisner pidgin at unreliablesource.net
Fri Jan 2 10:31:52 EST 2009

On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 05:26:45PM +0530, sanket agarwal wrote:
> The callback function( for jabber ) for the above debug message is located
> at libpurple/protocol/jabber/jabber.c: line no: 423
> jabber_recv_cb_ssl(....)
> I wish to know which signal actually triggers the "*jabber*: Recv..." line.
> Just for curiosity.
> Thanx in advance
> Sanket

Assuming the question is what sets up jabber_recv_cb_ssl to be called when
pidgin receives data, the answer is jabber_login_callback_ssl which sets
it as the callback for the PurpleSslConnection (a grep over the prpl
sources would have found this).

So to directly answer your question there isn't a signal that triggers it.


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