Possible to put logs in a database instead of flat files?

Ibrahim Awwal ibrahim.awwal at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 17:35:40 EST 2009

Hi Pidgin developers,
This was just a hypothetical idea I had, which I might be interested in
working on later if I have time. I was just wondering, would it be possible
for a plugin to put logs in a database (SQL Lite) instead of flat files? I
don't know if it's just something with my machine but when I try searching
logs for some people who I have a lot of logs for, pidgin will lock up for a
while before it finds any results, and I feel like a database might be able
to speed things up. Again, I might be interested in doing this as a plugin
if it's possible, and if so I would do more research on how to make
searching fast because obviously just throwing the data in a database isn't
so simple. Anyway, thanks for putting out a very nice program and I wanted
to say that I really appreciate some of the recent blog posts responding to
user comments from the survey, it was very informative.
--Ibrahim Awwal
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