programming help ?

Bodor Csaba bxabi0 at
Sat Jul 25 17:24:06 EDT 2009


I was searching on the web and I found that you are working and 
progressing with webcam and sound support.
I found the development page and it is writing that you are looking for 

It is an interesting subject, 15 hours looks possible, and I need these 
functions :) By the way the gyachi project says that they have it. I 
installed it but I didn't liked their gui, and it didn't showed 
correctly even which contacts are online. The pidgin looks more serious 
I think I could try to help if you think I can. I have 10+ years 
experinece in programming (I'm 28 years old). I was programming more in 
delphi than C, but I think I can handle it. I made some little C++ 
programs under linux in the past, but nothing serious yet.
(I'm currently the leading programmer of, but I'm planning to 
leave it slowly and move somewhere else, maybe linux, opensource, 
research I don't know yet).

What you think ?

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