Google Summer of Code

Robson Mendonça robsonmwoc at
Sat Mar 28 14:03:48 EDT 2009

Hello again,

I'm reading the im.pidgin.www source code and it is very simple.

My proposal is to make a web interface to make translation. I thought
something like a "translate in place".

For exemple, if you are a brazilian visitor, the site will try to get
translation, but if it doesn't exists, each paragraph in the page is marked
as translatable. With some buttons to make a suggestion of translation.

After this the community can make the evaluation to aprove the sentence
translated. And when the translation of all page is done and aproved, the
website loads the translated version.

We can use the same machanism to make translation of .po files, and in the
end of process generate the final files to distribution.

I have a question about the team preference about the technology involved
with Do you prefers make a software integrated with Trac? Or a
isolated solution, integrated with website only? Or both?. This is very
important because most of the content is located in the Trac wiki, and there
are a crossover of navigation and information between them.

Well, for now that's it. I'm wating for your answers.

PS. Sorry Mark, you receive twice.

Robson Mendonça
CTO at LEC/UFRGS (Cognitive Studies Lab)
LEC - Laboratório de Estudos Cognitivos - UFRGS
Centro de Excelência Sun para Desenvolvimento de Soluções de TI para
Fundação Pensamento Digital -
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