Google Summer of Code

Mark Doliner mark at
Thu Mar 18 17:42:09 EDT 2010

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Антонов Николай <ostinru at> wrote:
>> We've been accepted!
>> Current Pidgin/Finch/libpurple developers: If you'll have time to
>> mentor a student this summer, or would like to help review
>> applications from students, please sign up at
>> and, uh, I actually have no idea how to
>> add mentors to our project.  But I'm sure we'll figure it out!
>> --Mark
> How many slots does Google allocate to the Pidgin/Finch/libpurple?

Unknown at this time.  The process in past years has been:
1. Students submit applications
2. Sometime before the end of application review process, we request a
number of students that we would like
3. Google decides how many students to allocate to us, either the
number we requested or possibly less

In past years I think we've always gotten as many slots as we've requested.

Fellow developers: How many slots do you think we should request this
year?  Maybe 5?  (feel free to respond privately, or publicly,
whatever)  I'm not sure who is able to mentor this year.


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