Summer of Code Mentor Summit

Daniel Atallah daniel.atallah at
Thu Sep 2 10:27:22 EDT 2010

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 03:36, Mark Doliner <mark at> wrote:
> Anyone developers interested in attending?  It's October 22nd through
> 24th.  Priority goes to Elliott and Daniel, since they mentored
> students this year and haven't attended in the past (right?  I'm
> actually not sure if Daniel has been), then to Ethan and myself since
> we also mentored students but we have both attended, then to devs who
> helped read and review student applications, then I guess to other
> Pidgin/Finch/libpurple devs who are interested in Summer of Code (or
> would that be taking advantage of Google's generosity?)

This is a really cool opportunity.

I haven't been to any of the previous events and would love to go, but
unfortunately that weekend is already busy for me with some stuff that
I can't get out of, so I'm out of the running.


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