Pidgin - DBus + Windows

Eran Leshem eranl6 at
Tue Sep 7 03:41:50 EDT 2010


I'm interested in using Pidgin + DBus on Windows. Have there been new
developments on this front? Is there a technical problem with supporting it?
Can I help?


-----Original Message-----
From: datallah at (Daniel Atallah)
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 01:24:43 -0500
Subject: Pidgin - DBus + Windows

2009/3/1 praveen kumar <pbx.kumar at>:
> Hi
> Does dbus events come on windows installation? I have tried installing
> windbus and started it. However, pidgin does not emit any signals on the
> bus. Looking at the dlls which were installed in the pidgin folder, I
> see that anything similar to libdbus..
> I have started pidgin in debug mode and it was able to find perl.

The Windows version currently has no support for dbus.


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