Should we apply to summer of code this year?

John Bailey rekkanoryo at
Tue Mar 8 23:13:42 EST 2011

On 03/08/2011 12:48 PM, Mark Doliner wrote:
> I think it's likely that we'll apply, in which case we'll need to
> clean up this page:
> If anyone wants to get a head start, feel free.

Again this year, I won't have the time needed to mentor.  Work is taking a
ridiculous amount of my time now, almost as bad as the first two weeks of last
September.  I'd prefer *not* to do it, but I *can* act as a backup org admin if
needed again this year.  It's almost certain I'll never again have the time I've
had in the past to dedicate to that function, so consider me an absolute last

After seeing the same story repeat itself over and over with SoC, I'm pretty
apathetic about it.  If we can get mentors, go for it, I guess.  But don't hold
your breath on us getting accepted.  Some of the chatter on the mentors mailing
list makes it clear they're aiming to have more first-time organizations and
more smaller organizations this year, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get
kicked to the curb in favor of both larger organizations like Mozilla and
smaller projects.


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