OTR and general security stuff

Peter Lawler bleeter at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 17:08:27 EST 2013

On 14/02/13 08:52, Richard Laager wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-02-13 at 16:46 +0100, Jurre van Bergen wrote:
>> I was thinking, perhaps it's interesting for the Pidgin project to have
>> a few or one student(s) working this summer (GSOC) on "securing"
>> Pidgin/LibPurple?
> I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'm skeptical that this kind of highly
> skilled work is something that GSoC students could reasonably help with.
My concern on using GSOC students for critical stuff like this is that 
those who gain the skills 'securing' Pidgin/libpurple would then leave 
and the project may be in the position of not really having a completed 
task, poorly documented etc., despite best intentions of the mentor and 
others within the project to see the GSOC student complete their task. 
This has happened before.


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