[GSOC] Quail - Progress 11th July 2013

Ka-Hing Cheung khc at hxbc.us
Thu Jul 11 15:27:53 EDT 2013

On Thu, 2013-07-11 at 12:04 +0100, Phil Hannent wrote:
> I am writing a lot of code just to get the basics like a buddy list,
> accounts and conversation up and running. I now understand how to work
> with both C++ and C calls, however I'm no ninja just yet. A for loop
> which mixed both a QList and a GList is kind of unusual in
> programming, however its just not worth converting the GList to a
> QList or vice versa for the sake of it:
> 	for (widget = widgets.first(), l = chatInfoList;
> 		 widget != NULL && l != NULL;
> 		 widget = widgets.next(), l = l->next)
> 	{
> (widgets is a QList<QWidget*> and chatInfoList is a GList of
> PurplePluginProtocolInfo*)

Have you considered writing a generic wrapper that exposes iterators for
QList and GList, so you can use modern c++ techniques like foreach?


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