Help with creating a plugin (my master thesis)

Agnieszka Pachuta pachuta.agnieszka at
Sun Feb 2 20:29:18 EST 2014

Hi :)

My name is Agnieszka. I study Computer Science at University of Warsaw. As
my master thesis, I'm going to create Pidgin plugin which implements a
cryptographic protocol described in the following paper: (In short, I want to execute the
protocol before the start of conversation in order to establish a secure
communication key.) I've dug into libpurple code, but I still have some
problems. I would really appreciate your help with some of them or just
giving me some hints..

1. Is there any way to find out if a conversation partner has loaded my
plugin? If the other person haven't loaded the plugin, he sees every
message my plugin sent to him. I tried to use
purple_conv_im_send_with_flags but the messages are still being displayed
(maybe I don't know how to use these flags..) I know that I can cancel the
message by returning TRUE in receiving_im_msg callback, but it will work
only if the other person has loaded my plugin.

2. The protocol require users to solve captcha puzzles. To show the captcha
image and get an answer from a user, I use purple_request_fields. However,
when the pop-up shows, user is able to ignore it and start to communicate
without solving a captcha. Is there any way to block the possibility of
communication until he solves the captcha? I would like to wait for his
answer somehow.. One of solution to this problem is to display captcha
image directly in the communication window. Is it possible?

3. I would like to create my own libraries and linked them to my main
plugin file. However, the example Makefile is really huge and I don't know
how to do that. I'm stuck with this problem..

I'm sorry for a lot of text. I'll appreciate any clue :)

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