chat windows opened in maximized state, stealing focus

Konrad Gräfe kglists at
Fri Jun 14 10:25:50 EDT 2019

Okay, two more suggestions:

- The chats must be added to the buddy list. I guess, I should make that
clearer in the README file.
- The plugin hides chats only within the first two seconds after the
account has been connected. You can increase that timeout in the account

If those are not fixing the problem for you I'd call that a bug. Please
open an issue with a detailed description on Github.

Konrad Gräfe

Am 14.06.2019 um 14:39 schrieb Olaf Hering:
> Am Fri, 14 Jun 2019 14:37:47 +0200
> schrieb Konrad Gräfe <kglists at>:
>> Can you confirm this for multiple IRC connections?
> Yes. It happens also with rocketchat disabled.
> Olaf

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