Why pressure featuers you like your self?

Marek Matulka marek.matulka at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 03:38:07 EST 2008

On 05/03/2008, Kevin Stange <kevin at simguy.net> wrote:
> mail at millerm.com wrote:
>  > 4) The window looks very unbalanced with a bunch of text on top and a
>  > little that I can not read easily or check in the bottom. The aesthetics
>  > of it alone are terrible.
> This is ridiculous.  I rarely enter more than one or two lines of text,
>  why would I need to have an even amount of space used for the input
>  area?  Widgets that are much larger than they need to be to hold their
>  contents don't serve any balancing purpose.  They just waste space.  If
>  there is some reason you need to fill that widget with more stuff than I
>  do that's a valid argument, but this is not.

It is not ridiculous. I do like when input field has at least 4 or 5
lines even if I just enter one word - why? because I like that way and
in that way it looks better for me. It might be a waste of space for
you, but it looks and works much better for me (and as you can see,
for others too).


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