can't add more buddies

David Woolley forums at
Sun Jul 26 05:29:52 EDT 2009

Kelsey Padrick wrote:
> and the operating system would be Windows right?

That's worrying.  It's too easy for Microsoft to establish a monopoly if 
consumers don't know what they are using.  Markets require informed 

If you don't know what you are using, it is almost certainly some 
version of MS Windows.  As it is presumably post Windows 95, launch My 
Computer, then select the About item in the Help menu.  (More detailed 
information can be obtained by using the Run... item, on the start menu, 
and entering "winmsd" (there are also GUI ways of reaching this). (I'm 
not sure if winmsd is still present on Windows Vista.)

The date (month and year) of purchase, and country, for the computer, 
might also give a clue as to the version, although we'd also need to 
know whether or not the machine is a netbook.

One of the problems that a third party, and, at least in the case of 
MSN, unapproved, client has is that the service provider can change the 
service, to make it incompatible, without warning, however it is 
interesting that all the problem reports come from people with rather 
limited computer knowledge.

David Woolley
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