
David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Sun Oct 10 05:34:24 EDT 2010

Ethan Blanton wrote:
> Note that Thomas Butter was a Google Summer of Code student for Pidgin
> a number of years back, so it is perfectly valid for his name to be in
> Pidgin-related code.  I haven't looked at the code in question, so I
> don't know what exactly the circumstances are, but I did want to make
> sure Thomas gets credit where credit is due.  He's one of us.  :-)

Summer of code is also mentioned, and there is some danger, if you hit 
those particular files, that one might think the plugin was a product of 
the summer of code.  There is actually a technical moral rights 
violation here, as well, as those files have been modified, at least to 
substitute a new plugin name, but are being represented as the sole work 
of Thomas.

My assumption is that Thomas  Butter has nothing to do with this plugin 
except that someone chose his code, as an example of a plugin, to use as 
the starting point for their code.

David Woolley
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