Securing the configuration, new idea maybe?

Amram Peña inss.pamram at
Fri Aug 19 23:05:39 EDT 2011

Dear Pidgin dev crew,

I'm a network admin and I find pidgin quite a useful tool, simple and
straight forward.

However i'm greatly annoyed by users playing smart and changing the
configuration all the time. Is there a way to prevent users from changing
the preferences, plugins and configured accounts?

If there's nothing like an 'admin' password to change the
configs/preferences/accounts, is it something that can be included for a
next version? I'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue, and hopefully
not the first one to ask.

Maybe it doesn't need to be done on the pidgin source code but thru a
plugin, whichever is easiest.




Amram Pena
inss.pamram at
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