Arabic (right-to-left) and dead keys

David Woolley forums at
Tue Jul 5 04:03:46 EDT 2011

Jerome Hoefer wrote:
> I wanted to report that there is a problem when writing Arabic (and, 
> supposedly, other right-to-left scripts). I use Pidgin 2.9.0 on Windows 
> Vista and 7.
> Here is the description of the problem: In order to use some diacritical 
> marks or combine certain characters in writing Arabic, I ordinarily use 
> "dead keys", in the same way you write, in the Latin script "é", for 
> example, i.d. you insert the (at first unvisible) accent sign, after 
> which you enter the vowel. The accent is a dead key, it does not show at 

Pending a more authoritative answer from a developer, I would assume 
that this level of input method processing is handled entirely by GTK+, 
and you should probably start looking into its bug reports.

David Woolley
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