Kurdish is not the official language of Turkey

David Balažic david.balazic at comtrade.com
Thu Jul 14 09:22:36 EDT 2011

Ethan Blanton [mailto:elb at pidgin.im] wrote:
> David Balažic spake unto us the following wisdom:
> > I'll just add that:
> >  - having two language choices is confusing and unnecessary (one for
> >  installer and one for the app itself)
> I believe this is due to Windows' general brokenness.  Windows is
> sufficiently broken that many people do not use a coherent locale, if
> it even has a concept of a coherent locale.  At least, this is the
> impression I have gotten from various translation complaints over the
> years.  I don't know, I use a C translation locale and non-Windows
> operating systems.

Yes, it is pretty ... chaotic. (I use WinXP)
There are different settings and some applications try to "guess" the correct
language or locale (getting it wrong often).

Although I guess most people have consistent settings of Language/Location/Formats,
Like Turkish keyboard, turkish language, Turkey (location) and turkish Standards and formats,
so "guessing" would work out ok in most cases.

(by "guessing" I mean reading out one of the system settings)


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