Question regarding a feature seen elsewhere

Ethan Blanton elb at
Sat Jul 16 17:15:45 EDT 2011

Sergey Kuniavsky spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Hello.
> I have shifted to use pidgin as my IM client, after using some other tools.
> In one of the thingsd I have used before (specifically digsby) there
> is a feature to "merge" contacts. For example, if it is the same
> person on ICQ, MSN, Facebook and Gmail Chat, I would see him only
> once, and via a default choice I can select via what I chat with that
> person (when multiple options are available).
> I was wondering if there is a similar feature in pidgin, as it would shrink
> my contact list in half, and make seeing who is available easier.

Yes.  This is a primary focus of Pidgin -- connecting you with people,
not protocol-specific buddies.  If you right-click a buddy in your
buddy list and select 'Expand', the buddy will split into a contact
with a single buddy in it.  You can then drag another buddy (or
contact) onto that contact to merge the two.  I believe, but am not
certain without trying, that you can also drag a buddy over another
buddy and simply hold it there until it expands.

There are some explanations for how contacts and selection work in the

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