Unable to authenticate: Authentication Failure for MSN

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Thu Sep 15 03:11:25 EDT 2011

Jess Holy wrote:
> For two days now my MSN account has been unable to connect through
> Pidgin. It was working just fine before I went away for the weekend. I

This normally means the user name or password are wrong.

> am running the most current version of Pidgin. How do I fix this

It is best to say the version number.  It might, for example, be the 
latest on a particular OS, but not the latest version, and someone 
reading this in the future, may assume it is the most recent one at that 

> problem? All it tells me is this: Unable to authenticate:

Before you can expect a fix, you need to provide enough information to 
identify the cause of the problem; on the information provided, 
providing the wrong user or password is the most likely cause.  Assuming 
MS Windows, a cut and paste of the debug window may help.  NB this is an 
archived, public mailing list.

With proprietary protocols, like MSN, it can also happen that they are 
changed in ways that takes a long time to reverse engineer, although, if 
that had happened, one would expect a lot of people to be reporting 

> Authentication Failure.
> Thanks for the help.

David Woolley
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