help with an error....?

Fazzina, Angelo angelo.fazzina at
Mon Mar 5 09:31:14 EST 2012

Hope someone can explain what is the problem....i have been running pidgin 2.7.3 for years cuz every upgrade breaks on my win XP and Win 7
So I tried again with version 2.10.1 and same issue... AIM and Google talk work fine but Bonjour fails...going back to version 2.7.3 cuz it WORKS !!

Here are the logs...

09:20:32) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO
(09:20:32) account: Connecting to account alf at
(09:20:32) connection: Connecting. gc = 05576E30
(09:20:32) connection: Connection error on 05576E30 (reason: 16 description: Unable to find Apple's "Bonjour for Windows" toolkit, see for more information.)
(09:20:32) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO
(09:20:32) account: Disconnecting account alf at (028F8728)
(09:20:32) connection: Disconnecting connection 05576E30
(09:20:32) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO
(09:20:32) connection: Destroying connection 05576E30
(09:20:38) util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory C:\Users\alf02013\AppData\Roaming\.purple


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