Problems with Pidgin Portable

Anna Fedorova annavfedorova at
Mon Oct 22 02:54:11 EDT 2012

Good day everyone.

I've been using Pidgin for last 6 years, *nix-systems and Windows
OS'es both, and has been really happy with it. I have a terminal
Windows OS at work, so I had to use a portable version of Pidgin

Lately I've noticed, that some problems started to occur: part of
incoming messages are lost, and that's unacceptable in my case.

Could you please specify, whether you have an oficially supported
portable version of Pidgin? If you do, could you please send me one or
give me a link for the latest version? I really like this program and
not ready to give it up like this.

Yours sincerely, Anna
P: +7 (921) 328-6629
Mail, Jabber: AnnaVFedorova at
ICQ: 52212978

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