Load onto Iphone

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Tue Mar 26 17:44:29 EDT 2013

Mark Stoll wrote:
> How do I load Pidgin to the Iphone?

As you are asking this form an Oracle address, I suspect your real 
question was "how do I use Oracle's internal XMPP server from an 
iPhone?", which is a question you need to ask of Oracle IT support.

Please mention, yet again, that questions about their XMPP server are 
getting misdirected here, suggesting a fault in their support process.

There are legal complications which mean that Pidgin itself cannot be 
developed for the iPhone, unless Apple change their policies, but that 
doesn't mean that there are not other programs that are compatible with 
Oracle's XMPP service.

David Woolley
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